Last November 14, my mother celebrated her 68th birthday.
For others who are physically fit, 68 might still be relatively a young age. But in my mom's case, it isn't so. She has been suffering from type 2 diabetes for so many years already. Her BP shoots up every so often. She is getting her daily shots of insulin. On top of this, she recently had a stroke which made walking a very hard task. Her legs are unstable and she has to depend on her cane a lot...Seeing her like that really makes my heart ache.
How I wish that we could go back to the days when mother is the source of strength...literally and figuratively....
Mother is really affected by the demise of my brother, then my father and then her mother and father in a span of 2 years. The doctor said that her case is aggravated by depression.....
I want to say so many things to her but her hearing has already deterioted. Her eyesight is the same. I can feel her loneliness whenever she envelopes me in her arms to give me a hug. I can feel how she she misses her children. I also want to always be by herside but I have a family now and our house is very far. She wouldn't also like to leave her house...
I also get affected by her tears whenever we got to leave her at the end of a visit. I am just relying on God's mercy for my Mom's condition. God only knows how much my Mom could take and God only knows when is the perfect time for all of us.
I did this poem during my HRM subject in my MBA class. Somehow my recent visit to my mother affected me so much. I couldn't concentrate on what the reporters were I gave way to my emotions and came up with the poem below.....
My Mom!
When I was a little girl
I look up to her with awe
Is there a thing that she can’t do?
She’s my idol for a lifetime
Though she seemed strict at times
Her love is one thing I am sure of from the start.
She would do everything
The house is clean
The clothes are washed
“Just study your lessons’
Was all she would say to us.
There were so many trying times in our lives
But Mom remained steadfast for us
She says – do focus on your studies
It’s the only thing we could give
We may have lacked other things
But not encouragement from Mom.
We have finished our courses in school
Working and with families now
How I loved to have her in my house.
Mom is very sickly now
Doesn’t want to leave her house
Dad is long gone now
But she is adamant to stay behind
I couldn’t visit her much as I want.
Her strength is slowly going out
Can’t walk independently now
Eyesight and hearing are not that good
How it tears my heart to see her like that.
I will lift my eyes to the maker
I will lift my eyes to the healer
God be near, calm my fear
I love her very much
But I know she got to go home sometime
Where she could once again be with Dad.
Please prepare us for that time
As I can’t bear to accept the thought right now
I also pray Lord that when it comes
She won’t suffer that much
I love her so dearly
Please spare her that….
I know that You, our Mighty God
Have numbered our days from the start
You’ll be there to welcome her back
And embrace her for a job well done!
Savior, please stay close beside,
Be my comfort, Lord, and guide,
When I’m troubled, tempted, tried,
May Your love and grace abide.