Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The glorious sunset

At evening time it shall happen that it will be light. — Zechariah 14:7

It is wonderful to be young, with clear sight, acute hearing, elastic step, pulses drumming to the march of exhilarating health. But old age has glories that youth cannot know. It is a blessed old age indeed if it ends brightly at evening time. Old age celebrates the harvest — youth the sowing.

Like fruit in the fall, the harvest of old age will either dry up and wither, or grow mellow and sweeter as it ripens. You cannot escape the advancing years. Youth stays long enough only to strengthen our shoulders for the burdens ahead. Life leads inevitably to the evening time. But the best things are the oldest things — things that have endured and stood the test of time. God Himself — though not bound by time — is called the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:9).

So don’t be ashamed to own your age. Everything that abides must become old: mountains, rivers, oceans, stars. But the evening time of life can be bright only if we have the One who is the Light as our evening Sun.

Nothing is sadder than an aging person facing eternity without Jesus. And nothing is sweeter than a gently mellowing Christian, still growing and resting in Christ as he faces God’s tomorrow with confidence. — M. R. De Haan, M.D.

So I journey with rejoicing Toward the city of God’s light. While each day my joy is deeper; And the pathway grows more bright. — Hoffman

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